Monday, February 4, 2008

Way better than a Superbowl party

My husband has been sick alllllllll weekend and I was about to go nuts! He is normally on the go from sun up to sundown stopping for only short breathers. He was out of town last weekend playing softball so I was rather looking forward to us doing something together this weekend.

I went to my first Superbowl party a few years ago and really had fun and I was looking a little forward to one this year. When I asked him earlier this week if we were going to go out for the SB he was like "nah" OK, no biggie, we'll probably do something Saturday night. Well we didn't, we had 3 basketball games on Saturday and an appointment with our tax guy and when we got home he went straight to bed. I was so shocked because he was on the couch Thursday night, Friday all day and night and now back to bed on Saturday. I actually tried calling the doc, but he's sick too and I tried to convince him to go to Urgent Care and get a shot in the butt! He is really prone to pneumonia and it sounds like it's starting to go into his chest.

Anyhow, by yesterday, I was so ready to get out and actually get away from my kids. Now, I know some of you moms are probably gasping that I would want to do that, but I've been home with them since Thursday and I'm ready to rip their heads off (he, he, he, of course not)

By early afternoon, I had decided we weren't going to go anywhere because he was still laying around - and I'm not feeling so sorry for him now because he's really beginning to get on my nerves. I'm sorry that he's sick but for the love of God man, get off the couch or GO TO BED!!!! The rest of us shouldn't have to walk around tiptoeing because you don't feel good! Go in the back of the house where it's quiet!

OK, so Dave calls & asks if we're going to the SB party and I say no - Darrell's really sick and we're just gonna watch at home. Then Darrell says he wants to try to go for awhile - maybe some hot wings will open his sinuses (I know, I know)

So we do - and he tried to be a trooper - I was actually excited about getting out of the house and I was having a pretty good time at the party but then he said he felt bad about half way through the first quarter so we just went home.

We finished watching the game and commericials at home and I actually started to doze off during the 3rd quarter - I don't ever watch football until the SB. Well the fourth quarter got heated and Colby came to snuggle with me and watching him talk about football and what strategies should be used and how he didn't want the Patriots to win because they were cheaters and didn't deserve it was soooo cool. He knew so much about football, I was amazed and he was biting his fingernails and really wanting the Giants to win and when Manning through that pass and Burress he went crazy. He was sooo happy and to think I may have missed that pure joy by being someplace else during the Superbowl. I should have known I'd be so much better off at home.

Also, here's my favorite ad from last night. I'm a sucker for the baby ads.

and here is a runner-up for me - I thought it was very, very funny.

1 comment:

kathi said...

Awwww, funny! I didn't watch the super bowl, these were hysterical. Loved the nuts one most.