Monday, October 1, 2007

Tagged-Not so much by Kathi

I got this idea from Kathi's blog. I know I'm getting a little old for Nick Lachey, but I just can't help it. He's soooo hot!

I was sick all weekend (and it was a weekend that I only had my youngest two children at home with me) I would have liked to do something special with them and the weather was gorgeous - so it would have been great to go hiking in the park or something like that - but I felt like crap! I'm a little better today, but still not 100% and I have class tonight so it's gonna be a long day. Better get back to work.


kathi said...

Okay, I'll admit he looks good. :) And geeze, think you have enough stuff on your desktop? LOL, wow.

Hey, thanks for doing it. I'd never have taken you for a Lachey fan.

kathi said...

Please drop me a line when you have time and let me know how you're doing.