Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Best Laid Plans - Advocare - Day 2 & Day 3

Despite my having packed enough food yesterday for 3 days on Advocare (I felt like a bag lady) yesterday was a bust!  There was a birthday extravaganza at work all day with a bonanza of food for the entire day!!!  Ain’t nobody got willpower for dat!  Well – I don’t anyway.  I did OK until the afternoon munchies hit me!  I swear the table looked like this....

Then my daughter’s sports banquet was last night – again the cooks in the PHS school district ain’t got time for no clean cookin’!  That’s for sure!

Ugh!!!  I thought I’d get away with green salad and I had a boiled egg and some almonds but I did have some turkey & gravy – no mashed potatoes – and green beans with a salad - but then I spotted the strawberry shortcake and I may or may not have had a taste (try the whole damned piece – somebody shoot me now!!!)  I couldn't stop myself - it was like a drug!  Why is this so danged hard!!!


I’m back on the wagon again today – so far, so good.  I feel good.  The past is behind me, yada, yada, yada!!!!!

So, I’m on Day 3 now – still no bathroom visits for me.  I’ve read on other blogs that sometimes it doesn’t happen until you start the probiotics which is tomorrow.  Plus, I wondered if my cheating had anything to do with it.  I've never been particularly regular in that department anyway - well, until I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago - since then, I've been just fine. 

I don't feel constipated or anything - really, I don't feel anything.  How can this be cleansing anything if there is nothing coming out!  I hate to complain about that because it might just bite me in the butt soon but so far, nuthin'!!

So, I leave you with these words of wisdom.......and hope I can take my own advice - or the advice of someone else's image on the internet!!

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